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Slide WE EXTEND MICROSOFT 365 We can automate many routine business processes and create other fully functional applications using Microsoft 365 tools. OUR APPLICATIONS Slide WE'RE YOUR MICROSOFT 365 PARTNER We're a friendly team that will listen to you, won't use IT gimmicks and will help small and medium-sized companies set up a functional M365 environment, based on the company's internal processes. OUR SERVICES Slide IT E-SHOP FOR REGULAR USERS Take a look at our e-shop if you're looking for materials for studying M365, you want to study independently or you need comprehensive instructions in the Czech language. HOP INTO THE E-SHOP Slide MICROSOFT 365 LICENCES We'll help you create the best combination of licenses. We will advise you on setting up and starting work in the cloud so that everything corresponds to the processes in place in your company. MORE ABOUT LICENSES


We are here to launch you at a rocket speed into the world of Microsoft 365 which will fit your business processes.

Licenses M365

Get the right Microsoft 365 licenses here with us. It will be our pleasure to give you some advice on how to combine licenses right in your company.



We'll ensure a smooth start that will fit your business processes. We'll focus on the proper use of MS Teams, SharePoint and other apps.



Extend the functionality of M365. Our apps in SharePoint, Power Apps and Power Automate, will make many processes easier for you.



We'll train you in M365 applications and reveal how individual apps and the entire environment can faciltate your business processes.


Microsoft 365 for small and medium-sized companies

Work online, anywhere, anytime, from any device.

With Microsoft 365, your employees can easily cooperate via email, shared calendars, quick messaging or video conferencing in Microsoft Teams and Exchange Online.

Using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint and OneDrive allow them to work together on files in real time. You can also automate many business routine activities with Power Apps and Power Automate app.

Along with other applications such as Planner, To Do, Bookings, Delve, Lists, etc., you get inner virtual space for easy management of your business, fast communication and common place for all files and administrative tasks related to business management.

We will be honored to be your M365 partner

We do not oppose any cooperation in the Microsoft 365 area. We can either be your partner for all services we offer completely or help you in certain parts. We also don’t refuse customers who just want to train.



We are for comfort in M365

We listen to you

Consulting and implementation of Microsoft 365 is a team sport for us. So we do not work for you - we work with you. Together, we will find the accurately customized way for each of you to comprehensive use of Microsoft 365, which optimizes your processes, improves your productivity, straightens the organizational structure, and make order in your documents and permissions.

We do not speak IT jargon

We know that IT parlance is incomprehensible to ordinary people, so we don’t speak IT lingo to our customers, but we explain everything clearly, give examples to explain terms and we always make sure that the customer understands us.

We’re expanding Microsoft 365

We want the M365 space to be as helpful as possible for you. Our goal isn’t to adapt our clients to the M365, but to individually adapt the M365 to our customer.

For self-taught ones and all who enjoys M365!

Because we also like all-embracing informations, easy-to-understand instructions and comprehensive services, we also have an e-shop where you can buy our apps, E-books, video courses and much more. Besides these things, you’ll also find interesting articles there.

We can get much more from Microsoft 365!

Do you want to automate routine business processes and create other fully functional app using tools from the Microsoft 365?
Our applications speed up and streamline Back Office - (un)popular administration, and you’ll find tailor-made applications for many specific industries.